Tag Archives: liberal

The Censorship of Christians

Ramblings from Retirement – The Censorship of Christians

By Retired Pastor Lee Hemen

December 13, 2022

In our cancel culture today, there are those who desire to censor anyone who disagrees with their perceived proclivity or progressive ideals. Socialism loves censorship, and it is the fuel that fans the flames of oppression. Christians should be on the forefront of opposing any censorship of speech. It is at the core of what we believe.

When Jesus stood before the religious and political leaders of his day, they hated him because of the message he brought. It would upset their political and spiritual power over the population they were supposed to be leading. They wanted to keep their positions. Many Jews when they “had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in him.” (John 11:45 NIV84) Some of those who were concerned about what Jesus was teaching, went to the Pharisees, and told them what was happening. They were the “Karens” of their day. John relates that “Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. ‘What are we accomplishing?’ they asked. ‘Here is this man performing many miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.’ Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, ‘You know nothing at all! You do not realize that it is better for you that one man dies for the people than that the whole nation perish.’” (John 11:47-50 NIV84) They wanted to shut Jesus up because if the gospel truth kept being told, people would believe the truth! You have to understand what was occurring here, Caiaphas, the highest authority for the Jews both spiritually and politically, had already offered money, a bribe, to anyone who would turn on Jesus. His response is the same shameful and horrendous thing politicians, liberal media, and socialist today believe that it is “better” to sacrifice any individual who stands in their way, than to give up their power and prestige.

We see the very same thing occurring with online platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube today. We find it in the political halls of our own nation and in the walls of progressive colleges, schools, and churches. Just as time after time the rulers, religious leaders, and other wanted to silence Jesus, we find Teacher Unions, political systems, online entities, and progressive politicians who desire to silence parents, oppress voters, and edit what you read or hear. We’ve learned that Twitter deliberately suppressed viewpoints on COVID, vaccines, and politics that those who ran Twitter did not agree with, even when they were factual! If you disagree with the latest views on climate, mutilating children, murdering the unborn, or a politician those in power agree with you are censored.

The Cambridge Dictionary is being criticized for altering the definitions of the words “man” and “woman” to include people who identify as a gender other than their biological sex. The definition of woman, which previously was based on actual biology, now states that a woman is “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.” Similarly, a man is now defined as “an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.” This is a form of censorship because any viewpoint other than that put forward by those in power is branded as “hateful”. When President Joe Biden signs the Respect for Marriage Act this week, he’ll be flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris, first lady Jill Biden, and gay drag queen story hour performer Marti Cummings, according to an invite posted by Cummings. Within the law passed by Congress and signed by the President are portions that tacitly force Christians to support lifestyles they deem as perverted and against the word of God. (https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/bill-donohue/why-invite-drag-queen-white-house)

According to a recent Gallop poll over one third of women nationwide are prolife, but you had better not express that verbally or you may lose your job. (https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/12/12/its-2022-the-left-still-thinks-women-cant-think-for-themselves/) Most parents, over 80%, do not agree with the progressive “woke” agenda being taught in schools, and yet Teacher Unions and public libraries are constantly pushing it down your children’s throats. A middle school teacher is just one of many examples, who mock parents that want a say in lessons about gender, sexuality, and sex ed. Says parents should trust teachers because they’re experts and parents aren’t (pic.twitter.com/uasDYA9UXS).

Ben Shapiro understands the rising problem when he writes that “The legal obliteration of the distinction between governmental and private activity was only one prong of the new societal remolding. The second was the philosophical obliteration of the distinction between immutable characteristics and behavior. The case can easily be made morally that people ought not be victims of discrimination based on their immutable characteristics, like race; rejecting moral disapproval of particular behavior, however, means destroying the basis for any moral system. Yet that is what the law does when it likens race to sexual orientation philosophically.

These twin attacks on traditional American society — vitiation of the distinction between private and public, and elimination of the distinction between innate characteristics and behavior — are predicates to tyranny. The new secular system sets up government as a new god, determining right and wrong and cramming it down on every subject. You will be forced to celebrate the behaviors of others; you will be treated as a bigot if you do not.”

What Twitter did, what the “woke” culture is doing, what the liberal media desire you to adhere to, what you are being forced to do as a believer, and what some politicians are doing to your free speech should concern you as a Christian.


This article is copyrighted © 2022 by Lee Hemen and is the sole property of Lee Hemen and may not be used unless you quote the entire article and have my permission

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Unjustified Pandemic Porn to Keep You Living In Fear

Unjustified Pandemic Porn to Keep You Living In Fear

By Lee Hemen

July 26, 2020

According to the online website OurWorldinData.org/births-and-deaths there were 2.9 million deaths total in the USA in 2015. According to Wikipedia there were 36,560 deaths in 2018 due to auto accidents. Some 6,227 pedestrians were killed in traffic in 2018 in the US. According to the CDC there were 2,813,503 deaths from all causes in the US in 2017.

Why am I giving you these numbers, because when you understand that people die from all sorts of things in large numbers perhaps you will allow the pandemic porn panic the liberal media is pedaling come into better focus. So far according to the CDC there have been 4,163,892 COVID-19 infections (not deaths) with 145,982 total deaths in the US; however, many of these deaths are from other factors than just COVID. About 10 to 15% can be due to other factors like heart disease, diabetes, COPD, cancer and other health problems.

This is why when you hear that there are only 33 deaths with 1,318 infections in all of Clark County (population 450,000) according to John Hopkins, we should not panic. Less than 35 people are in the hospitals locally for COVID and half of these will go home soon. In all of Washington State according to John Hopkins we have 51,686 infections (not deaths) with 1,494 deaths; and deaths are going down and in fact are back to March levels.

Do not allow yourself to be fooled by the erratic panic the news media and liberal Democrats want you to swallow. Fear keeps you from voting, fear keeps you from demanding your rights, and fear keeps you under the thumb of liberal politicians who want to tell what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Make no mistake even though extensive studies from countries like Japan or Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and other European countries prove that children are at extreme low risk from or in getting COVID-19 or from even infecting others in public schools. Remember that we pay for these schools that will remain closed until after the election in order for you to continually be afraid. Teachers and Administrators will get paid and have health and retirement benefits no matter what, but you will have to struggle in making sure your child is educated, balancing your work schedule, and still trying to hold on to your job and income.

Vote these liberals out in this election and demand that our economy, public schools, and society return to normalcy. Stop living in fear.


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Conservatism is calling you…

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Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist

Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist
By: Ben Johnson
FrontPageMagazine.com | Thursday, June 11, 2009

On June 10, the nation tragically witnessed a memorial dedicated to commemorating an atrocity become the site of yet more death. Just before 1 p.m., longtime neo-Nazi James Wenneker Von Brunn entered the Holocaust Museum on the National Mall and opened fire in an attempt to complete the Final Solution his hero had left tentative, an omission Von Brunn dubbed “Hitler’s biggest mistake.” As former Defense Secretary Bill Cohen wandered the museum grounds, Von Brunn killed Stephen T. Johns, a black security officer, then was shot himself. As of this writing, the 88-year-old is in critical condition.

The white-wing fringe greeted the news with predictable joy. Its most popular website, Stormfront.org, saluted “White Racialist Treasure: James Von Brunn” in 2004; a thoughtful reader, seeing Von Brunn had backed up his recent threats with deadly action, wrote yesterday, “Definitely needs a bump today.” Another hoped the shooting would cause Americans to believe taking their children to Holocaust memorials is now “an insurance risk.”

Yet racists are not alone in their glee. Leftists have decided to exploit Von Brunn’s madness to engender fear of rampant conservative terrorism. They overlook one point: the shooter was not a conservative.

A review of his lengthy associations reveals Von Brunn hardly fits the stereotype of a Religious Right, GOP precinct captain. He denounced the Christian faith as a dastardly Jewish conspiracy, a “HOAX” invented by the Apostle Paul to “DESTROY ROMAN CULTURE” from within by undermining its pagan virility. (All screaming capitalization and grammatical errors in this piece appear in the original.) Like others on the racist fringe, the shooter proclaimed clearly: “SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West.”

Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, and Freepers Killed Stephen Johns?

Never apt to let facts get in the way of slander, the Left immediately branded Von Brunn a conservative – and found a way to tie his actions to their favorite demons: President Bush and Fox News. Upon learning of the tragedy, Huffington Post blogger Michelle Kraus wrote simply, “Thank you very much Karl Rove and your minions.” Fellow HuffenPuffer Joseph Palermo, – also, surprise, an Associate Professor of History at California State University-Sacramento – accused Fox News host Glenn Beck of “using the public airwaves to incite violence,” calling his program “a white reactionary tour de force – incendiary, stupid, and racist.” The usually staid Alan Colmes smeared the mainstream conservative website FreeRepublic.com, an attack quickly recycled by a ThinkProgress.org reader, who added this sterling political analysis: “There isn’t really a line drawn between the right wing ‘base’ and neo-Nazis any more. It’s a single continuum, and freepers is right there in that gray area.”

Meanwhile, more significant voices joined in. Michael Tomasky, editor of Guardian America, the U.S. affiliate of Britain’s widely read socialist newspaper The Guardian, immediately seized upon the shooting to bludgeon American conservatives. In a blog entitled, “Will They Call Him Terrorist?” Tomasky wrote: “So this is the second act of right-wing terror, the first being the murder of Dr. Tiller, in a mere three weeks. These are terrorists, as surely as Zawahiri is. Will Rush Limbaugh and the other demagogues like him call them that?” He went on to call Rush “Oxyboy” and closed: “All right my British friends. Your turn to sneer again. But let’s all say a prayer for the victims of this craziness and their loved ones first.”

The “mainstream” media quickly went into overload. CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, who insisted: “This is a real movement out there. This is not just the fringe-of-the-fringe.” He did not square this with his assessment minutes earlier that there were, at best, 100-200,000 white supremacists in the country and only “a tiny slither” would commit violent acts.[1] MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann denounced “the environment” that produced “two acts of right-wing violence.”[2] (Another HuffPo blogger described a Black Muslim’s shooting of a military recruiter in Arkansas and a Muslim terror cell’s plot to blow up Bronx synagogues as “right-wing” phenomena.) Rachel Maddow insisted, “within two weeks we’ve seen two shootings…when the shooter was clearly motivated by extreme right-wing views.”

All have seized on the shooting in an attempt to salvage the reputation of Janet Napolitano, claiming the two (or four) eruptions confirm the Department of Homeland Security’s retracted assertion “that lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent right-wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.” No one can deny Von Brunn’s danger, but neither should anyone be confused about his collectivist history and deeply held totalitarian ideology.

Von Brunn’s Letter to Jim Webb

Yesterday’s attack was Von Brunner’s second attempted strike. Police arrested him on December 7, 1981, after they found him prowling the Washington, D.C., offices of the Federal Reserve Bank posing as a journalist. Inside a bag slumped over his shoulder, they discovered a handgun, a shotgun, and a knife, which he claimed he would use to place then-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker under citizens’ arrest.[3] After being convicted, he tried to obtain help by contacting then-Admiral Jim Webb, now a Democratic U.S. Senator from Virginia, but Von Brunn claimed the postmaster “purloined” the letter. The New York Daily News reports after his release in 1989, Von Brunner “worked at a bookstore run by a Holocaust-denying group called the Institute of Historical Review,” then lived in Hayden Lake, Idaho – then the headquarters of the Aryan Nations.[4]

At some point, he settled in the Maryland area and decided to jump into the publishing game himself.

His Own Words: Not Newsworthy

Von Brunn’s motivation leaps off every page of his self-published “book,” Kill the Best Gentiles, a title supposedly derived from secret Jewish instructions to slaughter the goyim. (You can download the first six chapters here.) Remarkably, his words have received little scrutiny, likely because of what they establish: the “right-wing terrorist” of the Holocaust Museum is an anti-religious socialist.

Somehow in its five-page excerpt of Von Brunn’s book, Salon did not find these quotations. I have chosen to reproduce enough of his writings to demonstrate they are not being taken out of context.

Hate Jews, Hate the Jewish Messiah

Although the hate crimes industry lumps neo-Nazis and White Nationalists in with the “Religious Right” – and occasionally, FrontPage Magazine, the better to smear you with – few Americans realize the true believers are not merely non-Christian but anti-Christian. Like their predecessors, they trace Aryan downfall to “culture distorters” (guess who?) – and among the largest “distortion” is the replacement of warlike Germanic gods with Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised by the Jewish Scriptures. Von Brunn dedicated Kill the Best Gentiles to the late professor Revilo P. Oliver. Typical of Nazis, past and present, Oliver branded Christianity a “Jewish cult” and “spiritual syphilis.” Brunn’s follows suit. He shuns the words of the Bible, exhorting his readers: “Remember, these delusions of grandeur were written by HEBREWS about themselves. Megalomaniacs of such magnitude generally are manic-depressives confined to insane asylums.” (p. 31.) His distaste for their Deity could hardly be more evident:

JEHOVAH, like Alley Oop, says whatever the scriptwriters print in the blurbs. Those who find it compelling to believe Yahweh created a flat earth, circa 5000 B.C., spoke from a burning bush, bared his buttocks, parted the Red Sea, and loves JEWS above all other nations, share a childish credulity with those who believe millions of JEWS died in German gas-chambers. It also confirms JEWISH conviction that Gentiles are stupid sheep. It makes one want to puke. (p. 32.)

Having vilified the Father, he turns his focus to the Son. “Jesus (if he did exist),” Von Brunn wrote, “was born in Galilee (‘Unclean Land of the Gentiles’).” (p. 57.) In a post on the appropriately named website Antichrist.net, Von Brunn expanded on the reason Saul of Tarsus, a former rabbi, would become the chief apostle of this religion to the Gentiles:

Saul — a Roman citizen — suddenly realized how he could destroy Rome!  Saul trembled uncontrollably with fear and joy.  He would simply promulgate the insane teachings of Jesus!  What better way to destroy a Nation — any Nation — than to undermine her hubris; her gods, ethics, mores, history, her gene-pool — in short, Saul would DESTROY ROMAN CULTURE.  Then, as night follows day, with her foundations rotted, the Roman Empire would FALL.  Saul decided to begin the HOAX by inventing a miraculous encounter on the road to Damascus with the reincarnated Jesus the Christ!

Toward that end — no different than Hollywood script-writers today — Saul created a bogus a la Spielberg docu-drama stuffed with lies, miracles, guilt trips, betrayal, virgin birth, eternal damnation, salvation — a scenario appealing to the superstitious, vulnerable, ignorant yearning sheep — he named his hoax “Christianity.” …

The Gospels profess that only Christians may enter Yahweh’s Kingdom of Heaven.  To qualify, among other demands, Christians must LOVE THEIR ENEMIES (Jews); give away their personal belongings; eschew knowledge; judge not, despise nature, abandon earthly pleasures, acknowledge that all YHWH’s children are equal; and above all else worship YHWH, the jealous, wrathful, vengeful, unforgiving, genocidal, anthropomorphic tribal god (Jesus’ father) created by Hebrews in their image and likeness….The Big Lie technique, employed by Paul to create the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, also was used to create the HOLOCAUST RELIGION … CHRISTIANITY AND THE HOLOCAUST are HOAXES.

“Christianity” destroyed Roman Civilization.  The “Holocaust” Religion is destroying Western Civilization.  The Aryan gene-pool dies, “unwept, unhonored and unsung.”

This assessment seems unlikely to stem from Rush Limbaugh (raised Lutheran), Glenn Beck (converted to Mormonism), or Karl Rove (a Presbyterian accused of agnosticism). So, too, are his unexamined statist economic beliefs.

Socialism: “The Future of the West”

If Von Brunn shared the anti-Christian hatred expressed by Revilo Oliver, he accepted the collectivist, socialist views of Francis Parker Yockey, a guiding light and philosopher of fascism unafraid of aligning with Third World socialists. Francis Parker Yockey’s magnum opus,the 600+ page Imperium, is among the books most beloved by Willis Carto – who founded the “bookstore” that employed Von Brunn following his prison release – and Carto continues to proffer it a foundational text for the philosophically pretentious fascist. Yockey wrote, “The 19th century was the age of Individualism; the 20th and 21st are the ages of Socialism.” Sounding like a Marxist determinist he wrote, “Destiny is irreversible, and the Spirit of Socialism, with its latent Resurgence of Authority and its youthful will-to-power moved steadily forward.”  Yockey faulted “Capitalistic thinkers” who “found no ethical fault with destruction of groups and individuals” – that is, races – “by other groups and individuals, so long as the criminal law was not infringed.” In his mind, “The alternative to Socialism was not Capitalism, but chaos.”

Von Brunn proved in Kill the Best Gentiles that he learned well:

Yockey, in his suppressed book Imperium, notes that MARXISM is seriously flawed because MARX, being a JEW, could not understand the real differences between CAPITALISM and SOCIALISM, which emanated from the WESTERN CULTURE-ORGANISM. Capitalism and Socialism are how a Nation (Family, People, Race) feels, thinks, and lives, and secondarily are ECONOMIC CONCEPTS. One [capitalism] is past history; the other, WESTERN SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West, and the end of JEWRY on Western soil.

The Age of Reason produced CAPITALISM in the West, the IDEA of rugged individualism: “Every Man for Himself.” Freedom from authority: “Don’t tread on me!” At the same time, paradoxically, it was understood, that these rugged individuals should act in the best interest of the Nation-State. To the West ECONOMIC CAPITALISM meant: free trade, no personal income-tax, no state interference in money matters, private ownership, etc. USURY, however, was relegated outside the Pale, and proscribed. Capitalists found no fault with economically defeating, within the law, opposing economic groups. That was considered “healthy competition.” European States, goaded by Bankers, also competed with one another. Often with disastrous results. During WWI it became painfully clear that the IDEA of “rugged individualism” worked against the ARYAN NATION and its individual States.

WESTERN SOCIALISM, unlike Marxism/Communism and Capitalism, emanates not from Reason alone but from the ETHOS OF THE WEST. It expresses the instinctive and Intuitive feelings UNIQUE to the Aryan Nation. Its Idea is the Musketeers’ cry: “One for All and All for One!” The ingathering of the White Nation-States into ONE CULTURAL ORGANISM — its own territory and its own State in which to house, protect, and nurture the Nation — precludes Marxist inspired class warfare and hate-struggles between its component parts. The ECONOMY springs from the CULTURE. MONEY becomes merely a tool, a means of exchange, a storage of value — not an ILLUMINATI weapon.” (pp. 143-4). “No intelligent person took MARX seriously. His Old Testament idea that work is evil — and New Testament idea that men and races are equally endowed — opposes Nature and the very Soul of the West.” Marxists, Bolsheviks, Communists denounce “capitalist pigs.” While from behind the scenes — in the on-going battle to implement the PROTOCOLS OF ZION — all wars and revolutions are financed by JEW CAPITALISTS. (pp. 143-5.)

He, too, despised the freedom and potential decadence capitalism affords, insisting Jews were “exacerbating natural disputes between theWestern States and influencing the results in favor of Liberalism as opposed to Authority; that is, materialism, free trade and usury, as opposed to Western Socialism; Internationalism as opposed to Western unity. MONEY was their sword and buckler. Hate and revenge their motif.” (pp. 109-110.)

The nexus of this capitalist plot is…the Federal Reserve Board. Although his website is currently down, the shooter’s account of his 1981 arrest at the Fed states, “The U.S. President, with approval of the Senate, appoints the FED Board of Governors. The majority of them are Wall Street denizens…After all, the FED was designed by bankers for bankers.” (Emphasis in original.) Such sentiments could appear easily on DailyKos or CounterPunch.

That is not without reason. Von Brunn’s association with Willis Carto’s “bookstore” make it undeniable his anti-conservative views were influenced by the far-Left.

Nazis for Chomsky and Land Reform

The “bookstore” that employed the museum shooter was Noontide Press, the brainchild of Willis Carto, often named the most influential anti-Semite in the country. In addition to Holocaust denial material and conspiracy theories, the firm printed and peddled left-of-center volumes by more conspicuous figures, among them the most cited academic in the United States. In the 1980s, Noontide published Noam Chomsky’s book The Fateful Triangle. Chomsky became a hero of Jew-haters for his quasi-conspiratorial views of American society, his defense of Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, and his distaste for Israel. Noontide’s catalog once carried a number of Chomsky materials out of appreciation. Alongside the linguist on Noontide’s roster stood far-leftist Holly Sklar’s volume Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management and the lecture Palestinian writer and centenarian Sami Hadawi delivered to the IHR entitled, “Who Are the Palestinians?”[5] Noontide also publishes statist works of bygone days, including Gen. Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket,” a Nye Commission-era screed blaming war on capitalist “war merchants.” One perusing its catalog may also find, for example, reprints works of Depression-era “radio priest” and Nazi plagiarist Fr. Charles Coughlin (whose rallying cry was “A Just and Living Wage”) and his contemporary, fascist theorist Lawrence Dennis (among whose works is Is Capitalism Doomed?).[6]

These writings could scarcely resemble the words of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Karl Rove less.

Neither could his association with the Aryan Nations. As many authors have shown, fascism is a totalitarian ideology concentrating all power in the hands of the State and thus not a conservative ideology but a creature of the Left. This holds true in the present as well as the past. The AN’s “Platform for the Aryan National State” includes these collectivist provisions (all quoted):

  • Promote and preserve the industry and livelihood of the citizens.
  • [E]liminate the current practice of damaging and poisoning life and environment.
  • Provide honest aid to farmers and other business people, and shall restore to all citizens rightful land ownership.
  • Make the necessary provisions for the aged, who have been impoverished by fraud (inflation).
  • Confiscate all unearned wealth, stolen by fraud or usury and that which is gain from war.
  • Nationalize all monopolies and multi-national interest[s].
  • Immediately bring about land reform….

The ideology of Von Brunn and his contemporaries does not comport in any way with conservatism. Yet the Left chose to exploit the death of a black man as a paraphrase of Rahm Emanuel’s dictum; they never let a tragedy go to waste. President Clinton blamed the Oklahoma City Bombing on Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich; leftists hinted George Bush caused Sen. Paul Wellstone’s plane crash; Cindy Sheehan become a momentary folk hero by championing a cause her slain son opposed; and some managed to muffle their glee over President Reagan’s affliction with Alzheimer’s Disease just long enough to call for public funding of embryonic stem cell research.

One can expect no more decency when a self-proclaimed socialist murders a minority in cold blood in a shrine to one of collectivism’s most shameful accomplishments.


1. An exact count of potential White Nationalist terrorists, obviously impossible, is rendered more difficult by the concept of “leaderless resistance” propounded by Louis Beam, formerly one of the FBI’s ten most wanted.

2. Surprisingly, his guest, Jack Levin the author of Domestic Terrorism, discussed “the new anti-Semitism of the Progressive Left.”

3.The Fed fixation is common among conspiracy theorists, who believe the Jews control the U.S. economy through the machinations of this “privately owned” enterprise. They believe Woodrow Wilson privatized the Fed in 1913 and now wish to nationalize it, placing it directly under Congressional rule. Politicized money is hardly a conservative goal.

The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) was then run by reclusive anti-Semite Willis Carto, the founder of Liberty Lobby and publisher of the most widely circulated hate publication in the United States (originally call THE SPOTLIGHT since rebranded American Free Press). Carto, who briefly revived The Populist Party, is considered the most influential Jew-hater in the United States.

4. After losing a lawsuit, the Aryan Nations lost its land. Following the death of founder Richard Girnt Butler, the organization has split in two.

5. Contrary to the website, the IHR has offered the lecture for years. It is available for download here.

6. Lawrence Dennis is not without his admirers on the fringe today. Dennis “Justin” Raimondo wrote a glowing piece for TakiMag calling him a “prophetic voice” and another for Antiwar.com, saying “his legacy will enrich a conservative movement that is just beginning to rediscover its Old Right Heritage – and his example will inspire a new generation of the antiwar movement that sees itself as neither Left nor Right but plain and simply American.” Lawrence has also been the subject of a two-page write-up in THE SPOTLIGHT.


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The Truth About ObamACORN

Friday, May 29, 2009
Michelle Malkin: Townhall.com Columnist
The Truth About ObamACORN
by Michelle Malkin

Left-wing groups in Washington, D.C., are panicked. The New York Times and other Team Obama whitewashers are downplaying the connection between the Obama presidential campaign, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and Obama’s old employer Project Vote (ACORN’s nonprofit canvassing arm). Alas, the truth keeps seeping out.

At a closed-door powwow hosted Thursday at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, activists discussed how to combat a relentless stream of corruption charges from ACORN/Project Vote whistleblowers. But it’s too late for a reputation bailout. Former Project Vote official and whistleblower Anita MonCrief has harnessed the Internet to crowd-source a massive cache of documents showing ties between Obama staff members and the supposedly “nonpartisan” ACORN operations.

Last fall, The New York Times abandoned an investigation into whether Obama had shared donor lists with Project Vote, a 501(c)(3) organization that is prohibited from engaging in political activity. Public editor Clark Hoyt earlier this month called it “the tip that didn’t pan out.” Critics suggested the donor lists could have been compiled through public records. But I have obtained the lists — not only of Obama donors, but also lists of Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry contributors. The records include small donors to the Obama campaign, who are not disclosed in public campaign finance databases. It’s information only a campaign could supply.

MonCrief testified under oath last fall that her then-boss, Karyn Gillette, gave her the Obama donor list and told her the campaign had furnished it. Moreover, e-mail messages between ACORN, Project Vote and other affiliates, including ACORN subsidiary Citizens Services, Inc. (CSI), make explicit references to working on “Obama campaign related projects.” The “list of maxed out Obama donors” is specifically mentioned in staff e-mail. Another message from ACORN/Project Vote official Nathan Henderson-James warns ACORN and affiliated staff to prepare for “conservatives … gearing up a major oppo research project on Obama.”

Henderson-James wrote, “Understand I’m not suggesting that we gear up to defend a candidate’s campaign.” But that, of course, is exactly what the ACORN enterprise did.

Why does this matter? Transparency, tax dollars and electoral integrity. ACORN’s own lawyer Elizabeth Kingsley acknowledged last year that a vast web of tax-exempt ACORN affiliates were shuffling money around — making it almost impossible to track whether campaign rules and tax regulations were being followed. ACORN receives 40 percent of its revenues from taxpayers. Americans deserve to know whether and how much commingling of public money with political projects has occurred over the last four decades — and what role the Obama campaign played in this enterprise.

Remember: Last August, the Obama team admitted its failure to properly disclose $800,000 in payments to CSI — which works hand in hand with Project Vote and the ACORN parent organization. Obama mysteriously reclassified the campaign advance work expenditures as “get-out-the-vote” activities. Nary a peep from electoral integrity watchdogs.

Despite heated denials from Team Obama, the links between ACORN, Project Vote and CSI are inextricable. As Obama himself reminded ACORN leaders after its political action committee endorsed his presidential candidacy in February 2008:

“I come out of a grassroots organizing background. That’s what I did for three and half years before I went to law school. That’s the reason I moved to Chicago was to organize. So this is something that I know personally, the work you do, the importance of it. I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.”

As I’ve reported before, the Obama campaign’s “Vote for Change” registration drive, run simultaneously with ACORN/Project Vote, was an all-out scramble to scrape up every last unregistered voter sympathetic to Obama’s big-government vision.

In an e-mail message to whistleblower MonCrief last summer, New York Times reporter Stephanie Strom told the truth: “The real story to all this is how these myriad entities allow them to shuffle money around so much that no one really knows what’s getting spent on what.” By Oct. 6, 2008, Strom had thrown in the towel in the wake of blistering phone conversations with the Obama campaign. She wrote:

“I’m calling a halt to my efforts. I just had two unpleasant calls with the Obama campaign, wherein the spokesman was screaming and yelling and cursing me, calling me a right-wing nut and a conspiracy theorist and everything else. … I’d still like to get that file from you when you have a chance to send it. One of these days, the truth is going to come out.”

It’s only just begun.

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Biden Pales Next to Palin!

By Lee Hemen

August 29, 2008

After watching about 10 minutes of Barack Obama during the Democratic National Convention, I was reminded of why I left the Democratic Party decades ago. I agree with Thaddeus McCotter on TownHall.com who wrote that Obama’s “chorus of leftist tripe: namely, America is going down the dumper; Republicans are holding the plunger; and, to save you from yourself, Americans need a nanny state” is the same old same old from Democrats. It is absolutely laughable since they chose “Change” as their one word motto for the election and yet Obama picks Biden who is the quintessential political hack who has been in politics so long he does not know anything else. He is a walking political cliché machine, who told American voters he did not think Barack Obama was “qualified to be President.” According to the RealClearPolitics.com found that just 17 percent of American voters approve of the job lawmakers are doing, while 74 percent disapprove. And Obama picks Biden? How utterly incredulous is that?

I have to admit that McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin for Veep is not only a bold move but shows his supposedly “Maverick” brand. Palin has fought big oil, Congress, and corruption by old time politics in her own State. She is extremely well liked in Alaska with about an 80% approval rating. She is behind a natural gas line in her State that could be connected to Washington State which would bring in thousands of new jobs, except for the narrow-mindedness of Democrats like Gregoire, Murray, and Cantwell. In fact, Jerry Bower writes that “It means that drill, drill, drill gets stronger. Sarah knows this stuff inside and out. She can back McCain in the defense of drilling, transporting and refining oil. She puts ANWR back on the map. Who knows it better than the governor of Alaska?” And he is correct. Any energy plan must include getting America as independent as possible from foreign oil. Certainly we will buy energy from other nations, but America needs not just energy alternatives, but a consistent assured future supply of oil for medical supplies, medicine, chemicals, tires, roads, roofs, plastics, and on and on.

But the issue of Palin as Veep also tells the women of America that you can have it all. You can raise five children, maintain your inner and outward beauty, and be a dynamic national leader. Her devotion to her family and her devotion to her country is proudly displayed. Her own son is headed for Iraq. She is a hard-working, gun-loving, devoted, and religious woman who loves to hunt and fish. As Rush Limbaugh says, “Babies, guns, and Jesus!” Liberal angry women will be jealous of her.

Let’s see, we have the choice between a black Armani-suited neo-communist newbie with a slick coiffed political hack or an mature war hero Maverick and a dynamic Governor. Honestly now, who would you rather have as President and Vice President? To be honest with you, I think I have found a fantastic reason why I will vote this coming November.

NOTE: This article is copyrighted by Lee Hemen © 2008 and the property of Lee Hemen. You are welcome to copy it, email it, or use it but please if you copy it, email it, or use it you must do so in its entirety.

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