Tag Archives: muck be transformed

Just Wondering…

Just Wondering…
By Pastor Lee Hemen
July 15, 2014

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 NIV

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

I was just wondering, why we don’t live the transformed lives in the Lord we are supposed to? Notice dear reader what Paul is sharing with us here. We who have placed our faith and trust in the One who brings “freedom” and whereby our faces are unveiled before him, are being transformed. We are not being transformed into ourselves, our old sin nature, nor our wretched past. We are being transformed into “his image”. If this is true why are you not living like it right now? Your transformation is not some day when you die, pie-in-the-sky, me oh my! It is a moment by moment occurrence. Why do you continually go back to the trash-heap of your old life? When you go to a fine restaurant do you enjoy the meal and then head for the dumpster outback? Do you wear your brand new garments and never wash them? Do you rub yourself with the filth you find in the gutter after taking your daily shower? Now before you answer, think for a moment how you treat your life in the Lord. We are free in Christ who saved us. We are free from a life of regulation or our own striving to get into heaven because of his grace, but our freedom does not mean we are to live eating refuse, to wear filthy rags, or to continually return to the muck of the world and wallow in it. As Paul would admonish, “be transformed”! If you say you love Jesus but live like hell, what does that display to the world? Certainly not a transformed life. Your glory is not to be found in the dirt of this world but rather in the transforming presence of your Savior. Makes one wonder…

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